Page 81 - Biology - XII
P. 81
Q2. Custuta appears like __________ on the host plant.
(a) fl ower (b) leaf (c) wire (d) root
Q3. Cuscuta does not have ______________ .
(a) roots (b) roots and leaves (c) leaves (d) fl owers
Q4. The association between symbiotic fungi and higher plant is a
(a) mutualism (b) commensalism (c) protocooperation (d) amensalism
Q5. Lichens show the symbiotic association between
(a) two fungi (b) two algae
(c) fungus and algae (d) fungus and roots of higher plants
Q6. The symbiotic association of Leguminous plant is with
(a) bacteria (b) alga (c) rhizobium (d) lichen
Q7. Fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in leguminous plant is done by
(a) lichen (b) alga (c) fungi (d) bacteria
Q8. The symbiotic Rhizobium is lodged in
(a) leaves of leguminous plant (b) stem of leguminous plant
(c) whole plant body of leguminous plant (d) root nodules of leguminous plant
Q9. A symbiotic association between roots of higher plants and fungi is called
(a) fems (b) lichens (c) mycorrhiza (d) blue green algae
Q10. The lichen component that does not have chlorophyll is _____________ .
(a) alga (b) bacteria (c) fungus (d) rhizobium
Answer key
1. (a), 2. (b), 3. (c), 4. (a ), 5. (c), 6. (b), 7. (d), 8. (d), 9. (c), 10. (b)
Study of homologous and analogous organs in plants and animals.
Evolution of organisms have helped in survival of the organism/fi ttest. The body organs get modifi ed
according to the needs of adaptation.
Evolution is:
(i) Convergent type of evolution. (ii) Divergent type of evolution.
Materials Required
Flash cards (picture cards) and models
1. Observe the specimens. 2. Compare the comments mentioned.