Page 57 - What Where Why - 8
P. 57

                               Regional Handicrafts

        Every  state  in  India  has  its  own  special  handicrafts.  Regional  handicrafts  offer  an  opportunity  to
        represent the culture and heritage of the country.

        Read the descriptions and write the names of the handicrafts. You may use the Help Box.

           1   It is a beautiful brass         2   It is  a unique metal           3  It is a Kashmiri handicraft
               horse with an elongated             ware technique found in            introduced      to   ancient
               neck.  It  is  from  West           India. The white metal is          India by a muslim saint
               Bengal.                             blackened and silver is            from Persia in the  14th
               __________________                  laid.                              century.     They     create
                                                   __________________                 beautiful  patterns  using
                                                                                      vibrant colour.

          4   It is famous for the             5   It is an integral element of     6   It is an ancient circular
              ceramic household goods              everyday life and  activity          decorative card  game
              with  attractive  motifs  of         in the tribal societies of           which  was  introduced
              flowers, leaves, birds, and          Nagaland that yields vital           by the Mughals in India.
              geometric patterns                   household goods.
              __________________                   __________________                   __________________

                                 Help Box

                                  Ganjifa, Bamboo and Cane Basketry, Khurja Pottery,
                                  Kashmir Paper Mache, Bankura Horse, Bidriware

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