Page 56 - What Where Why - 8
P. 56

                             Unique Instruments

        A musical instrument is an object designed to produce musical melodies.

        Read the descriptions and write the names of the unique instruments using the Help Box.

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         ______________ is  one of            ______________  is  a  bowed         ______________  is  a  barrel
         the  first  jazz  instruments.       string instrument played with        shaped,  two-headed  drum,
         It is  originally an  African        a horsehair bow.                     which  is  also  known  as
         instrument  which  travelled                                              mridangam.
         to  the  United  States  during
         slave trade.

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         ______________ is one of the         ______________  is  a  mono,         ______________        is     an
         oldest  instruments  known  to       woodwind  instrument  that           instrument that is quite
         man. It produces sound by            was first designed in the mid        similar to sarod and the name
         vibrating a column of air.           1800s. It has a mouthpiece, a        means pleasure in Sanskrit.
                                              conical metal tube, and finger

            Help Box                                        Fact File

             Saxophone, Banjo, Violin, Sursingar,           In ancient times, primitive humans made loud music using
             Pakhavaj, Flute                                animal horns, making them the earliest wind instruments!

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