Page 54 - What Where Why - 8
P. 54
India centric ornaments are decorative accessory, article, or detail used to enhance the appearance of
the subject. Ornaments come in a range of design and style that can be traditional or modern.
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Pachchikam Jewellery Temple Jewellery
This kind of jewellery was This kind of jewellery mainly
popular in Gujarat and Tribal Jewellery originated from the jewellery
Kutch. It went out of fashion Tribes in India have a unique made specially to adorn the
till its revival a decade ago. style of jewellery made of idols of gods and goddesses
clay, bone, wood, shells, and in the South Indian temples.
crude metal.
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Antique Jewellery Jadau Jewellery
This type of jewellery has This type of jewellery is
a rough and unpolished Meenakari Jewellery famous since Mughal times
appearance with an ancient It is a traditional design that and is made by highly
appeal. is layered with brilliantly skilled craftsmen mostly in
coloured designs of classic Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Indian themes such as
flowers, birds, and leaves.