Page 47 - What Where Why - 8
P. 47

                             Inspiring Words

        Great men are remembered even today by their sayings and inspiring words. They provide a fresh
        view point or notion to your existing thoughts, beliefs, and understanding. They may even inspire
        new ideas.
        Read the descriptions and write the inspiring words using the Help Box.

              1                                    2                                 3

           A  great  man  is  different         Arise, awake, and stop not          That’s one small step for man,
           from an eminent one in               till the goal is reached.           one giant leap for mankind.
           that he is ready to be the           ________________________            __________________________
           servant of the society.

                4                                   5                               6

              Genius is one percent              The future  belongs to              I  disapprove  of  what  you
              inspiration,  ninety-nine          those  who  believe  in  the        say, but I will defend to the
              percent perspiration.              beauty of their dreams.             death your right to say it.
              ______________________             ______________________              ________________________

                                                          Fact File

                                                          “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were
                                                          to live forever.” Mahatma Gandhi

            Don’t  take  rest  after  your  first             Help Box
            victory because if you fail in second,
            more  lips  are  waiting  to  say  that           A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Thomas Alva Edison,
            your first victory was just luck.                 Eleanor Roosevelt, Neil Armstrong,
            ______________________________                    Swami Vivekananda, Voltaire, B.R. Ambedkar

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