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P. 14
Cold Desert Animal
The Arctic is the northern most region of Earth. Animals in the Arctic can live on the islands and
continents in the Arctic circle, as well as in the ocean, either on the ice or under it.
Read the descriptions and write the names of Arctic animals using the Help Box.
It is a mammal that lives in the It has long and thick white fur It eats fish and other animals
northern regions of Europe, that protects it from the cold. that live in the ocean. It has
Northern America, Asia, and Its padded feet help it to walk black and white skin and is an
Greenland. on ice. extremely intelligent animal.
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It is one of the most remarkable It uses its tusks to defend itself It is a flightless bird that uses
and resilient animals as it lives from its predators. Both the its flippers to swim. It is also an
in some of the harshest terrain male and female have tusks. expert diver.
on the planet.
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Help Box Fact File
Narwhals are one of the Earth’s most unusual creatures. It is an
Walrus, Killer Whale, Polar Bear, incredibly adaptive Arctic animal that uses its special features to
Penguin, Arctic Fox, Caribou survive in the harsh environment.