Page 185 - English Grammar - IX-X
P. 185

Negative      Active: Do/Does + S + not  Active:  Am/Is/Are  +  S  +  Active:  Has/Have  +  S  +
         Interrogative + V  + O?                not + V  +-ing + O?       not + V  + O?
                       Passive: Am/Is/Are + O +  Passive: Am/Is/Are + O +  Passive:  Has/Have  +  O  +
                       not + V + by + S?        not + being + V + by + S? not + been + V  + by + S?
                       Active: Does she not help  Active:  Is  the  noise  not  Active: Have you not read
                       you?                     disturbing the man?       a novel?
                       Passive:  Are  you  not  Passive:  Is  the  man  not  Passive: Has  a  novel  not
                       helped by her?           being  disturbed  by  the  been read by you?

          Key to symbols:
          V  = First form of the verb; V  = Second form of the verb; V  = Third form of the verb
          S = Subject; O = Object; V + -ing = Present participle form of verb
        Past Tense

                          Simple Past Tense       Past Continuous Tense      Past Perfect Tense

         Affirmative   Active: S + V  + O       Active: S + was/were + V   Active: S + had + V  + O
                                   2                                   1                    3
                       Passive: O + was/were +   +-ing + O                Passive: O + had + been
                       V  + by + S              Passive: O + was/were +  + V  + by + S
                         3                                                   3
                                                being + V  + by + S
                       Active: I sang a song.   Active: I was reading the  Active:  I  had  found  the
                       Passive: A song was sung  newspaper.               watch.
                       by me.                   Passive:  The  newspaper  Passive:  The  watch  had
                                                was being read by me.     been found by me.

         Negative      Active:  S  +  did  +  not  +  Active:  S  +  was/were  +  Active:  S  +  had  +  not  +
                       V  + O                   not + V  +-ing + O        V  + O
                         1                              1                  3
                       Passive: O + was/were +  Passive: O + was/were +  Passive: O + had + not +
                       not + V  + by + S        not + being + V  + by + S been + V  + by + S
                                                Active:  She  was  not  Active: He had not found
                       Active: He did not speak  reading the letter.      the watch.
                       the truth.               Passive:  The  letter  was  Passive:  The  watch  had
                       Passive:  The  truth  was  not being read by her.  not been found by him.
                       not spoken by him.

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