Page 79 - IQ - 8
P. 79
Test Paper-1
(Based on Units 1 to 4) Max. Mark : 30
A. Tick () the correct options. 6 × 2 = 12
1. This profession involves reporting, writing, editing, photography and broadcasting news.
(a) Advertising (b) Journalism (c) Radio Jockeying
2. A wildlife reserve in Kenya, it is named after the traditional inhabitants of the region.
(a) Maasai Mara (b) Etosha pan (c) lguazu falls
3. This legendary bird, a vulture, attacked Ravana to stop him from taking Sita away to Lanka.
(a) Garuda (b) Hamsa (c) Jatayu
4. Which state folk dance is Rouf?
(a) Bihar (b) Kashmir (c) Jharkhand
5. It was a Bengali weekly newspaper that started on November 15, 1858.
(a) Somprakash (b) The Statesman (c) The Leader
6. It was the first mass uprising inspired by Mahatma Gandhi.
(a) Kheda Satyagraha (b) Champaran Satyagraha (c) Dandi March
B. Identify and write their names. 3 × 2 = 6
1. 2. 3.
C. Fill in the blanks. 6 × 2 = 12
1. ______________ is the tallest tree in the world.
2. ______________ suggested the idea of the Chipko movement.
3. The Indian Navy ranks ______________ in the world.
4. ______________ first Governor General Independent of India.
5. ______________ is the most active volcano in Indonesia and has been active for 10,000 years.
6. ______________ organisation has the tagline ‘Touch the Sky with Glory’.