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P. 64

2 2        W

                          Word Puzzleord Puzzle

                1.  Read and tick (3) the correct answer.

                   a.  Select the word which cannot be formed from the letters of the word

                            NOTATION                          RATIONAL                         IONISATION

                   b.  Which  one  of  the  following  prefixes  can  fill  the  blank            way
                       space to make four meaningful words?                                         sonic


                            Super                             Sub                              Uni
                   c.  Which one of the given options can fill the            Tr
                       blank space to form meaningful words?                 Br

                            ick                                             Pr

                   d.  How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters W,L,F, and O by
                       using all the letters and each letter only once in each word?

                            two                               three                            four

                                   2               3                        4
                   e.  If TIGER =  , BUFFALO =  , and CROCODILE =  , then ELEPHANT = ?
                                   3               4                        5
                            3                                 3                                5

                            8                                 5                                6
                   f.  If DEEP = 120 and HOPE = 176, then REVIVE = ?

                            160                               150                              324

                2.  Unscramble the given letters to make a word and tick (3) the correct answer.
                   a.  abomae

                            amoeba                   absolute               mania                   bomb

                   b.  amietrisc

                            timing                   amiable                amidst                  armistice
                   c.  limies

                            miles                    smile                  simile                  none of these

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