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               Unit-I : Things Around Us                            31. Homographs ....................... 39

                1. Rocks and Metals .................... 5          32. Self-Reliant ........................ 40
                2. Publishing a Book  ................. 6-7         33. Fiction Books ...................... 41
                3. Gemstones ......................... 8
                4. Currencies  ......................... 9          Unit-VII : Art & Entertainment
                5. Agriculture Sector ................... 10        34. Handicrafts ........................ 42
                                                                    35. Childhood Memories  ................ 43
               Unit-II : World of Nature                            36. Ancient Greek Gods ................. 44
                6. Wild Cats ......................... 11           37. Movie Characters ................... 45
                                                                    38. Festive Spirit ....................... 46
                7. Nature’s Fury ...................... 12          39. Famous Dancers ................... 47
                8. Exotic Fruits ....................... 13
                9. Amazing Trees ..................... 14           Unit-VIII : Sports
               10. Asia Atlas ......................... 15
                                                                    40. Sports4U .......................... 48
               Unit-III : Explore India                             41. Sports Terms ...................... 49
                                                                    42. Camping .......................... 50
               11. Unusual Places  .................... 16          43. Sports in Films ..................... 51
               12. Nicknames ........................ 17            44. Sports Events ...................... 52
               13. Social Reformers ................... 18
               14. mYoga App ........................ 19            Mixed Bag
                                                                    45. Riddles ........................... 53
               Unit-IV : World Around Us                            46. Animal Symbols .................... 54
                                                                    47. My City, My Pride ................... 55
               15. International Borders ................ 20
               16. Museums ......................... 21             48. Evolution of Indian Flag .............. 56
               17. Inspiring Legends ................... 22
               18. Masterpieces  ...................... 23          Reasoning
               19. Earth Day Organisation ........... 24-25          1. Venn Diagrams ..................... 57
               20. World War  ........................ 26            2. Geometry and Symmetry ............. 58
               21. Greetings ......................... 27            3. Patterns  .......................... 59
                                                                     4. Alphabet Test ...................... 60
               Unit-V : Science & Technology                         5. Coding and Decoding ................ 61
                                                                     6. Mirror & Water Images ............... 62
               22. Helpful Robots ..................... 28           7. Position and Direction  ............... 63
               23. Human Machine .................... 29             8. Blood Relations  .................... 64
               24. Greatest Inventions  ................. 30         9. Roman Numerals ................... 65
               25. Internet Icons ...................... 31         10. Cubes and Dice .................... 66
               26. Unhealthy Food .................... 32           11. Series Completion  .................. 67
               27. Play Store ......................... 33          12. Mathematical Operations ............. 68
                                                                    13. Embedded Figures .................. 69
              Covid-19 Vaccine  ................... 34-35           14. Puzzle Test ........................ 70
                                                                    15. Quick Attempt ...................... 71
               Unit-VI : Language & Literature                      16. Mind Bender ....................... 72

               28. Forever Quotes  .................... 36         Test Paper - 1   ........................ 73
               29. Literary Stars ...................... 37        Test Paper - 2   ........................ 74
               30. Phobia  ........................... 38          Answers  .......................... 75-76
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11