Page 91 - Computer - 8
P. 91

2.  The attribute of the <a> tag that stores the reference (address) of the document that is to be
                  linked is ______.
                  (a)  href                (b)  src                 (c)  height             (d)  address

              3.  The tag used to create a data cell in an HTML table is ______.
                  (a)  <dc>…</dc>          (b)  <tr>…</tr>          (c)  <th>…</th>         (d)  <td>…</td>
              4.  The state of a link with a mouse pointer over it is ______.
                  (a)  Hover               (b)  Active              (c)  Visited            (d)  Dead
              5.  The tag used to insert an audio file in a web page is ______.
                  (a)   <file>             (b)  <video>             (c)  <audio>            (d)  <insert>

          B.  Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
              1.  The _________ property specifies the space between a border and the content in an HTML table.
              2.  The image for a link is specified using the <img> tag within _________ tag.
              3.  The _________ tag is used to define a frame in a web page.
              4.  The _________ attribute of <video> tag plays the video file automatically as the web page loads
                  in the web browser.

              5.  The _________ is the state of a link with a mouse pointer over it.
          C.   Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.
              1.  By default, a web browser contains a single frame to display an HTML document.             _______

              2.  An HTML table can display the text and numeric data only.                                  _______
              3.  When the mouse pointer is moved over a link, it changes from the arrow pointer
                  to a hand pointer.                                                                         _______
              4.  The src attribute of <audio> tag displays controls in the web page.                        _______
              5.  The caption can be placed only at the bottom of a table.                                   _______
          D.  Answer the following questions.

              1.  Describe the various tags used to create a table in an HTML document.
              2.  List any four CSS properties associated with <table> tag in an HTML document. Also, specify the
                  values that can be assigned to these properties.
              3.  What is a hyperlink? Describe the four states of a link in a web page.
              4.  What is the use of <iframe> tag in HTML5? Describe any three attributes associated with this tag.
              5.  Write the use of <video> tag? Describe any three attributes associated with this tag.

                                                                                                       Logical Thinking
            Mind Stretching
           1.  Jhanvi has inserted an audio file in a web page. She wants to start the audio automatically as soon
               as the web page loads in the web browser. She also wants to replay the audio once it has finished

               playing. How can she do so?

           2.  Kapil has linked two web pages. He wants that the colour of a hyperlink changes to blue when it
               is clicked, red when the visitor has visited the link and green when the mouse pointer is over the
               link. How can he do so?

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