Page 9 - Computer - 6
P. 9

Generation of  Time           Key                   Characteristics of Computers                Examples
             Computers      Period Technology

           Fourth            1971   Micropro- •  have thousands  of integrated  circuits built onto a  Desktops,
                              to       cessors      single silicon chip.                                    laptops,
                           Present                •  are more powerful and versatile.                       tablets,
                                                  •  supports high-level programming languages.               and
                                                  •  can be linked together to form networks to share        smart-
                                                    resources.                                              phones
                                                  •  have large storage capacities.
                                                  •  can be carried from one place to another  easily.

           Fifth           Present  Artificial    •  can recognise speech and handwriting patterns.         Superco-
                             and    Intelligence • can recognise images and graphs.                         mputers
                           Beyond                 •  are  capable  of  performing  highly complex calculations   and
                                                    at very high speed.                                     Robotics
                                                  •  are    capable    of    communicating    with    other
                                                    networked devices.

                            First Generation                                     Second Generation

                Vacuum Tubes                   ENIAC                    Transistors                 NCR 304
                           Third Generation                                      Fourth Generation

              Integrated Circuits             IBM 360                 Microprocessors               Desktops

                                                       Fifth Generation

           Artificial Intelligence  Drone in Delivery   Supercomputers       Robots in Surgery      Robots playing

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