Page 56 - Computer - 6
P. 56

3.  Describe the various controls available for an audio file in a slide.

              4.  What is the use of the Rehearse Timings feature in PowerPoint?
              5.  Write the steps to apply multiple animation effects on an object in a slide.

                                                                                                       Critical Thinking
            Mind Stretching

            1.  Amitabh has created a presentation on the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. He wants to run the slide
                show with different transitions every time he runs the slide show. Which transition effect in
                PowerPoint 2019 lets him do so?
            2.  Devanshi has applied multiple animations on different objects in a slide. She wants to play each
                animation after the previous animation ends. Name the tab, group, and option in PowerPoint
                2019 that lets her do so.

             Lab Work

              A.  Create a presentation titled Waste Management in PowerPoint. Apply various animations and transitions
                 in the presentation to make it eye-catching and interesting.                            Creative Skills

                 Some sample slides are given for your reference.

                                                   Landfill                          Composting

              B.  Create a presentation on different types of motion. Enhance your presentation by inserting video and
                 audio files to illustrate the different types of motion.                             Inter-Disciplinary
                 Some sample slides are given for your reference.

            DISCUSS                                                                                Communication Skills
             Does applying too many transition and animation effects divert the attention of the audience from the
             content of the presentation? Discuss with your classmates.

           TEACHER’S DESK
           TEACHER’S DESK
           Explain to the students the various options for applying animation and transition effects on a presentation.

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