Page 114 - Computer - 6
P. 114

                                                  INFO RETENTION

          A.  Select the correct option for each of the following statements.
              1.  In the ______ mode, commands are typed at the command prompt one by one.

                  (a)  Script              (b)  Shell               (c)  Command            (d)  Interactive
              2.  Which of these is a Python command prompt?

                  (a)  >>>                 (b)  &&&                 (c)  <<<                (d)  ###
              3.  The extension of Python program files is ______.

                  (a)  .python             (b)  .py                 (c)  .pyt               (d)  .shell
              4.  Which of these is not a feature of Python language?

                  (a)  Easy to use         (b)  Extensible          (c)  Interpreted        (d)  Machine-dependent
              5.  The key used to execute a python program is ______.

                  (a)  F4                  (b)  F5                  (c)  F6                 (d)  Ctrl + R

          B.  Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

              1.  _________ and _________ are the two modes to work with Python IDLE.
              2.  Interactive mode is also known as _________ mode.
              3.  Single-line comments in Python are indicated by the _________ symbol.

              4.  The _________ function is used to get data from the user and store it in a variable.
              5.  The _________ mode is also known as Batch processing mode.

          C.   Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for False statement.

              1.  Python is an interpreted language.                                                         _______
              2.  We can execute multiple Python commands in Interactive mode.                               _______

              3.  Python is used for programming robots or developing AI applications.                       _______
              4.  IDLE stands for Integrated Development and Learning Education.                             _______

              5.  Variable names must start with underscore.                                                 _______

          D.  Answer the following questions.
              1.  What are the main features of Python programming language?

              2.  What is the difference between Script and Interactive mode?
              3.  Write the steps to create and execute a Python program.

              4.  Write the rules to follow for naming variables in Python.
              5.  What is the use of print( ) function in Python? How can you use the print( ) function to display
                  multiple values?
              6.  What are the two ways of typing comments in a Python program. Give one example of each.

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