Page 26 - Computer - 1
P. 26

There are three types of keys on a keyboard:

            1.  Number keys     2. Alphabet keys   3. Special keys

          NUMBER KEYS

          ¾    Number keys have the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0                             7     8    9
               printed on them.                                                                       Home       PgUp

          ¾   These are also known as Numeric keys.                                                    4     5    6

          ¾   These are used to type digits and numbers.                                               End   2   PgDn
          ¾   There are two sets of number keys on the keyboard.                                          0
                             ! 1  @  3   $    %    ^     &    8    ( 9   ) 0
          ¾   Alphabet keys have the alphabets ‘A’ to ‘Z’ printed on them.
          ¾   These keys are used to type letters and words.

          ¾   There are 26 alphabet keys on the keyboard.

                                     Q     W     E    R     T     Y    U      I    O     P

                                       A     S    D     F     G    H     J     K     L

                                           Z     X    C     V     B    N     M

                  Try This                                                                             Critical Thinking

            Which type of keys would you press on the keyboard to do the following?
              1.  Type your name                   _______________________________________

              2.  Type your age                    _______________________________________

              3.  Type your address                _______________________________________

            (Hint: Some times you need to use more than one type of key to type something.)

          SPECIAL KEYS

          These keys are used to perform special functions. Let us learn about the

          functions of some special keys.

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