Page 72 - Code & Click - 7
P. 72

Property              Description                      Value(s)                     Example

                                 Sets the left margin of    length
             margin-left                                                                       margin-left: 5px
                                 an element                 (default value 0px)

                                 Sets the right margin of length
             margin-right                                                                      margin-right: 2px
                                 an element                 (default value 0px)

                                 Sets the top margin of     length
             margin-top                                                                        margin-top: 3px
                                 an element                 (default value 0px)

                                 Sets all margins of        margin-left,                       margin: 10px 5px
             margin              an element in one          margin-right,                      5px 10px

            The Border properties are used to set the styles of the borders around an HTML element. You can
            specify the width, style, and colour for the border.

            The border properties are described in the table given below.

                 Property              Description                      Value(s)                     Example

                                                            thin, medium (default),
                                 Specifies the thickness                                       border-width: thick
             border-width                                   thick, length (user defined
                                 of the border                                                 border-width: 10px

                                 Specifies the style of     none, dotted, dashed, solid,       border-style:
             border-style                                   double, groove, ridge, inset,      dashed
                                 the border                 outset                             border-style: ridge

                                 Specifies the colour                                          border-color:
             border-color                                   color name, color value
                                 for the border                                                green

                                 Specifies all border       border-width
             border              properties in one          border-style                       border: solid 5px
                                 declaration                border-color

             Knowledge Discovery                                                                 Subject Enrichment

             You must specify the border-style property before the border-color property since an element must have
             a border before changing its colour.

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