Page 112 - Code & Click - 7
P. 112

                         CYBER OLYMPIAD

              1.  The  product  of  (1011)   and  (11011)   in    1.   If  ‘PROLIFIC’  is  coded  as  ‘LOPRCIIF’,
                  decimal number system is                              ‘METADATA’ is coded as ‘ATMEATDA’, then,
                        75                                              “COMPUTER” will be coded as
                        297                                                  OCPMTURE

                        105                                                  PMOCRETU

                        240                                                  PMCOREUT

              2.  A  virus  designed  to  avoid  detection  by               COPMUTRE
                  antivirus software is                            2.  The  next  two  entries  in  the  sequence
                        Polymorphic virus                               2, 12, 36, 80, 150, 252, .... are

                        Boot Sector virus                                    322, 442

                        Stealth virus
                                                                             392, 580
                        Macro virus
                                                                             392, 576
              3.  A compact  chart that visualises  a  row or
                  column of data and is contained inside a                   322, 576
                  single cell is                                   3.  What should come in place of ? in the third
                        XY chart                                        figure, if it follows the pattern in the first
                                                                        two figures?
                        Radar chart


                        Bar chart

              4.  The logical operator that returns the result
                  True  if  any  one  expression  or  conditions
                  evaluate to True is                                        44                        49
                        not                                                  65                        81

                        and                                        4.  A woman introduces a man as the son of
                                                                        the brother of her mother. How is the man
                                                                        related to the woman?
                                                                             Uncle                     Grandson
              5.  Which  operator  in  Python  returns  the
                  remainder  obtained  when  a  number  is                   Cousin                    Son
                  divided by another?                              5.  Complete the analogy – Square : Area :: Cube : ?

                        //                       ??                          Perimeter                 Surface Area
                        **                       %                           Circumference             Volume

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