Page 72 - English Grammar - 6
P. 72
C. Rewrite the following sentences in their interrogative forms.
1. Sunita will reach Mumbai on Monday.
2. Kushal will go to the museum today.
3. The dogs will guard the house.
4. The soldiers will follow the orders.
D. Rewrite the following sentences in the past as directed in brackets.
1. They have a lamp in their room. (future)
2. Do you know my neighbour? (past)
3. She did not have a beautiful doll. (future)
4. The school bus reached late. (present)
5. My brother will turn twenty next year. (interrogative)
Simple Tenses: Present, Past, Future
6. My father owns a big car. (interrogative)
7. They have a new book on environmental studies. (negative)
8. The man rode the horse. (interrogative)
9. Who will bell the cat? (present)
10. I have no money. (past)
Listening & Speaking Time
The teacher will organise a role-play in the class for learning simple tense. He/
she will divide the class into four groups. Each group will select a representative
for a different role. The four representatives will act as the Librarian, the Sports
Teacher, the Headmaster, and the Security In-charge of the school. In the game, the
representatives will ask questions and the other children will interact with him/her.
The rule of the game is that all sentences spoken during the course of the game
should be in simple tense. For Example:
Librarian : Where is the story book issued to you?
Student : It is in my bag in the classroom.
Librarian : Go and bring it. Yesterday, I reminded you of it. You did not bring it
yesterday, too.
Student : I shall definitely bring it to you in the last period, Ma’'am.