Page 144 - English Grammar - 5
P. 144
Word Antonym Word Antonym
heavy light peace war
here there permanent temporary
in out poetry prose
include exclude possible impossible
inferior superior rapid slow
inside outside rich poor
interesting boring, dull rough smooth
internal external secure insecure
join separate sense nonsense
junior senior shallow deep
justice injustice sow reap
landlord tenant success failure
large small sweet bitter
laugh cry tame wild
leader follower teacher pupil
left right thick thin
loss gain top bottom
loud soft tough easy
many few up down
minor major useful useless
near far valuable valueless
noisy quiet victory defeat
north south virtue vice
old young visible invisible
Glossary Homophones
Homophones are the words that have the same sound, but different spellings and
rode – the past tense of ‘ride’ road – a street or pathway