Page 139 - English Grammar - 5
P. 139

Essay Writing

        An essay is a short piece of writing on a particular subject. It often expresses personal

        views. In a school test, an essay is a written answer that includes information and

        discussion usually to test how well the student understands the subject.

        Read the following examples to get a fair idea of essay writing.

                                            Value of  Games and Sports

        Games and sports are very important for physical fitness. They are essential to live a
        healthy life. Therefore, they are given prominence in schools and other educational

        institutions. There are some people who consider games and sports as simply a waste

        of time. But they forget that ‘health is wealth’. No other activity is as important as

        games and sports. These days nations are being recognised across the world, through
        their participation in the Olympic Games. The number of medals they win brings an

        outstanding place for them.

        Games and sports help in the physical growth and development of a person. They tone

        up the whole system, build the muscles, strengthen the nerves and regulate the blood

        circulation which help in removing the waste from the body. They make us fit and fine
        by reducing extra fat, and create energy in our body. They also build qualities such as

        team spirit, confidence and discipline.

        They teach the students to lead a healthy life and make them learn the importance of
        teamwork.                                                                                                 Essay Writing

                                             Teachers’ Day Celebration

        On 5 September, we celebrate the Teacher’s Day in honour of the teachers who guide

        us to make our future bright by giving us proper guidance and knowledge. 5 September
        happens to be the birthday of a great educationist, Dr S Radhakrishnan, who was the

        second President of India.
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