Page 118 - English Grammar - 5
P. 118
12121 Conjunctions
Practise What You Know!actise What You Know!
Match correctly and read the sentences aloud:
O I like to eat toffees he is a miser.
O I will eat a pastry because dance on the stage.
O Jacky is a rich man but they are sweet.
O I would like to sing and a bun.
O I like to read Harry Potter or it has interesting characters.
Let’s Learn Conjunctions
A conjunction is a word that joins together words, groups of words or sentences.
A conjunction can join nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
Look at the picture and read.
Give me a pen.
Give me a pencil.
In the above sentences, the group of word give me is used twice which does not sound
good. So we use some other word to make the sentence sound better.
Now, read the sentence.
Give me a pen and
a pencil.
Here, the word and joins two sentences. It is a conjunction.
‘Give me’ is repeated, so it goes away as you join the second sentence with and.