Page 7 - English Grammar - 4
P. 7
11 Nouns
Practise What You Know!actise What You Know!
Complete the table with nouns. The starting letter is given in each row.
Letters Name Place Animal Thing
K kettle
M Mumbai
R rabbit
D Deepa
Let’s Learn Nouns
A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. All naming words are called nouns.
Read the following sentence.
Rakesh is playing with a ball in the park.
In the above sentence, the highlighted words are nouns.
Rakesh is the name of a person, ball is the name of a thing,
and park is the name of a place.
Nouns are of diff erent types.
Common Nouns Proper Nouns Collec� ve Nouns
Common Nouns
Names given in common to any person, place, animal or thing of the same
kind or class are called common nouns.
Read the following sentence.
The boy is ea� ng an ice cream.
In the above sentence, boy is the common name of a person and ice cream
is the common name of a thing.