Page 10 - English Grammar - 4
P. 10
Practice Time 3
Fill in the blanks using collec� ve nouns given in the help box.
bunch choir pride herd gang set collec� on class
1. The _______________ of singers performed well.
2. They saw a _______________ of lions at the zoo.
3. Namita has a _______________ of stamps.
4. We saw a _______________ of goats on our way home.
5. The police have arrested a _______________ of thieves.
6. I forgot to take my _______________ of keys from home.
7. The _______________ of students is listening a� en� vely to the teacher.
8. You can put this _______________ of tools in that box.
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Activity Time
Write fi ve common nouns and their proper nouns.
Common Noun Proper noun
1.________________________ __________________________
2. ________________________ __________________________
3. ________________________ __________________________
4. ________________________ __________________________
5. ________________________ __________________________
Listening & Speaking Time
The teacher will write some common nouns and some proper nouns on the blackboard.
Thus, he/she will call each student and ask them to choose a word from each list and
Nouns make a sentence with that word. The ac� vity will be repeated with all the students one
by one. The students should make new sentences. A sentence already made by another
student will not be accepted.
For Example: A student chooses ‘player’ as a common noun and ‘Virat Kohli’ as a proper
noun. He/she makes sentence as:
Virat Kohli is a cricket player.