Page 59 - English Grammar - 3
P. 59


                   Present                               Past                              Future

           Today,  Bunty  is in             Yesterday, Bunty  was               Tomorrow, Bunty will

           the market with his              in  the swimming pool               be at a birthday party

           mother and sister.               with his father.                    with his friends.

        There are three main tenses—Present, Past and Future.

        Compare the following sentences.

              Present (today)                    Past (yesterday)                 Future (tomorrow)

          Kapil eats fruits.                  Kapil ate fruits.                 Kapil will eat fruits.

          Suman sings a song.                 Suman sang a song.                Suman will sing a song.

        In these examples, we point out the relation between a sentence structure
        and  the aspect of  time.  But  every sentence also  has  another  important

        aspect, i.e., the aspect state of things and accordingly a tense is used in the


          Kinds of  Tenses

          1.  Simple Tense

          2.  Continuous (also called Progressive) Tense

          3.  Perfect Tense                                                                                       Tenses

          4.  Perfect Continuous Tense

        Tense and verb go together in a sentence. They are always inter-connected
        and involve two aspects—time and state of the subject. All the four types of

        tenses have past, present and future forms.
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