Page 20 - English Grammar - 2
P. 20

Listening & Speaking Time

                  The teacher will conduct Word Time and Sentence Time activities for the students.
                  In Word Time, the teacher will speak out a common noun and one student has to

                  complement it with a proper noun.

                  Example: city — Delhi, cow — Kamdhenu, train — Shatabdi Express.

                  In Sentence Time the teacher will say a sentence based on common noun. The
                  student will change the sentence to a sentence based on proper noun.

                  Example:          Teacher      :  I live in a city.

                                    Student      :  I live in Delhi.

                                    Teacher      :  I study at a school.

                                    Student      :  I study at St Martin School.


                  Given below is a list of words. Rewrite them in the specific columns with
              Common and Proper Nouns
                  capitals where required.

                                      book    soap     ankit    diwali

                                      shimla    bucket                   pencil           canada

                               COMMON NOUNS                                       PROPER NOUNS

                 Learn With Fun

                  Write the names of five common things that you have in your bag.

                    1.  _____________________________

                    2.  _____________________________

                    3.  _____________________________

                    4.  _____________________________

                    5.  _____________________________

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