Page 57 - What Where Why - 6
P. 57

Mixed Bag

        A riddle is a fun type of brain teaser that consists of a question or statement to be solved.

        Solve the following riddles and write their answers in the given blanks. You may use the pictorial
        Help Box.

                1   What has a mouth, but cannot eat, it         6   What is white when it's dirty?
                    moves, but has no legs and has a bank,
                    but cannot put money in it?
                    __________________________________               __________________________________

                2   I  am  one  every night with light, but      7   I shave everyday, but my beard stays
                    make two during day.                             the same.
                    __________________________________               __________________________________

                3   What is  that everybody does  at the         8   What is full of holes, but still holds
                    same time?                                       water?
                    __________________________________               __________________________________

                4   What building has the most stories?          9   What kind of coat can only be put on
                    __________________________________               when wet?
                5   What gets wetter and wetter, the more       10   What can travel around the world
                    it dries?                                        while staying in a corner?
                    __________________________________               __________________________________

            Help Box

                   Blackboard          Grow older        A coat of paint         River              Towel

                     Sponge              Stamp              Shadow              Library             Barber

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