Page 146 - Physics - XII
P. 146

Appendix - IV :
                                         Appendix - IV :  Some Useful TablesSome Useful Tables

                                                 Table 1.  E.M.F. of Cells in Volts
             S. No.           Cell                 E.M.F.         S. No.            Cell                  E.M.F.
               1.          Daniell               1.08–1.09          6.        Cadmium at 20°C             1.01854
               2.          Grove                 1.8–1.9            7.        Lead accumulator            1.9–2.2
               3.          Lechlanche            1.45               8.        Edison cell                 1.45
               4.          Voltaic               1.01               9.        Clarke                      1.43
               5.          Bunsen                1.95               10.       Ni-Fe                       1.20
                         Table 2.  Refractive Index of Substances (For sodium light λ = 5896 × 10  m)
             S. No.          Solid           Refractive Index     S. No.          Liquid             Refractive Index
               1.        Diamond                 2.417             11.         Canada balsam               1.53
               2.        Glass (crown)           1.48–1.61         12.         Water                       1.333
               3.        Glass (fl int)           1.53–1.96         13.         Alcohol (ethyl)             1.362
               4.        Glass (soda)            1.50              14.         Aniline                     1.595
               5.        Ice                     1.31              15.         Benzene                     1.501
               6.        Mica                    1.56–1.60         16.         Cedar oil                   1.516
               7.        Rock-salt               1.54              17.         Chloroform                  1.450
               8.        Quartz (O-Ray)          1.5443            18.         Ether                       1.350
               9.        Quartz (E-Ray)          1.5534            19.         Glycerine                   1.47
               10.       Quartz (fused)          1.458             20.         Olive oil                   1.46
                                                                   21.         Paraffi  n oil                1.44
                                                                   22.         Kerosene oil                1.39
                                                                   23.         Turpentine oil              1.44

                                                    Table 3.  Elastic Constants

                                           Young's modulus,    Rigidity modulus,     Bulk modulus,      Breaking Stress
             S. No.      Substance
                                            Y (Nm ) × 10 10       (Nm ) × 10 10     K (Nm ) × 10 10        (kg/mm )
               1.       Copper                 11.0–12.55          3.4–3.61           13.0–14.33           40 to 45
               2.       Brass                  9.0–10.2            3.5–3.37           6.0–6.2              30 to 50
               3.       Iron (cast)            10–12.8             5.5–5.1            9.5–9.7              –
               4.       Iron (wrought)         19–21.2             7.7–8.5            14.6–16.1            –
               5.       Steel                  19–21.2             7.4–7.6            16.5–17.8            40 to 45
               6.       Lead                   1.6                 0.6                4.5                  –
               7.       Zinc                   8–10.7              3.6–3.76           3.0–6.2              –
               8.       Aluminium              7.0                 2.5                7.5                  20 to 25
               9.       Constantan             16.32               6.15               15.57                –
              10.       German silver          11.0                4.53               15.03                –
              11.       Manganin               12.5                4.65               12.17                –
              12.       Quartz                 5.4                 3.0                –                    –
              13.       Rubber                 0.05                –                  –                    –
              14        Silver                 7.1–7.4             2.5–3.0            –                      40 to 45

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