Page 145 - Physics - XII
P. 145

Appendix - III :
                                      Appendix - III :  FundamentalFundamental
                                                               Physical Constants
                                                               Physical Constants

         S. No.                     Name                         Symbol                      Value
           1.    Speed of light in vacuum                           c       2.9979 × 10  ms –1
           2.    Charge of electron                                 e       1.602 × 10  C
           3.    Gravitational constant                             G       6.673 × 10  Nm kg –2
           4.    Planck constant                                    h       6.626 × 10  Js
           5.    Boltzmann constant                                 k       1.381 × 10  JK –1
           6.    Avogadro number                                    N A     6.022 × 10  mol –1
           7.    Universal gas constant                             R       8.314 J mol  K –1
           8.    Mass of electron                                   m e     9.110 × 10  kg
           9.    Mass of neutron                                    m n     1.675 × 10  kg
           10.   Mass of proton                                     m       1.673 × 10  kg
           11.   Electron-charge to mass ratio                     e/m      1.759 × 10  C/kg
           12.   Faraday constant                                   F       9.648 × 10  C/mol
           13.   Rydberg constant                                   R       1.097 × 10  m –1
           14.   Bohr radius                                        a       5.292 × 10  m
           15.   Stefan-Boltzmann constant                          σ       5.670 × 10  Wm  K  –4
           16.   Wien’s constant                                    b       2.898 × 10  mK
           17.   Permittivity of free space                         ε       8.854 × 10  C N  m –2
           18.   Permeability of free space                         µ       4 π × 10  TmA ≅  1.257 × 10  WbA  m   –1
           19.   Mechanical equivalent of heat                      J       4.186 J cal –1
           20.   Standard atmospheric pressure                    1 atm     1.013 × 10  Pa
           21.   Absolute zero                                     0 K      –273.15°C
           22.   Electron-volt                                     1 eV     1.602 × 10  J
           23.   Unifi ed atomic mass unit                          1 u      1.661 × 10  kg
           24.   Electron rest energy                              mc 2     0.511 MeV
           25.   Energy equivalent of 1u                           uc 2     931.5 MeV

           26.   Volume of ideal gas (0°C and 1 atm)                V       22.4 L mol –1

           27.   Acceleration due to gravity (sea level, at equator)  g     9.78049 ms –2

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