Page 108 - Physics - XII
P. 108
The resistor, capacitor, diode, and LED are all two terminal devices.
S. No. Possibility of current fl ow Component
1. Current in one direction only and emits no light Diode
2. Current in one direction only and emits light LED
3. Current in both directions Resistor
4. Given initial defl ection which decays to zero Capacitor
A diode, a LED, a resistor, and a capacitor are identifi ed one by one from the given collection of items.
While checking any component, clean its leads properly by using a sand paper so that the insulation
can be removed.
Use of multimeter to see the unidirectional fl ow of current in case of a diode and an LED and check
whether a given electronic component (e.g., diode) is in working order.
Apparatus and Materials Required
Diode, LED, and multimeter
Multimeter is an instrument used for measuring current in amperes, voltage in volts, and resistance in ohms.
Therefore, it is also known as an AVO meter. Diff erent ranges for measurement of diff erent parameters can
be selected by arrangement of a rotatory switch. Multimeter has two leads, black and red, each lead has a
metallic end.
Adjustment of the Multimeter
1. Take the multimeter and plug in the smaller probes of testing leads into jack socket marked as
positive (+) and negative (–).
2. Turn the selector switch in the resistance region, so that it points towards X MΩ or X KΩ and now
adjust zero ohm switch, till the pointer of multimeter comes to zero mark of the resistance scale, when
the two probes (leads) short circuited. In this manner, multimeter is set as an ohmmeter.
To see the unidirectional fl ow of current through it
(a) For Diode
3. Connect the two leads of the multimeter to the two terminals of the junction diode and note whether
the resistance of junction diode is low or high. Now, interchange the two leads of multimeter to the two
terminals of the diode and again note whether the resistance of the junction diode is low or high.