Page 79 - Maths Skills - 7
P. 79

Rational Numbers                                                                                        77

           4.  Every negative  rational  number is less than    3.  How much money he saved?
               ________________.                                 4.  How much money he spend on grocery,
           5.  The product of any rational number with 1 is the      shopping, and education in total?
               ________________ itself.
           6.  The  sum  of 0 and  any  rational  number  is the      E. Assertion-Reason Based Questions
               ________________ itself.                          Directions  for  Questions  1  to  2:  In each of the
           7.  The difference of two rational numbers is always   questions given  below, there  are  two statements
                                                                 marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your
               a ________________.                               answer as per the codes provided below:
           8.  The sum of two rational numbers is always a       (a)  Both  A and R are  true and R is the correct
               ________________.                                     explanation of A.
           9.  The absolute value of 0 is ________________.      (b)  Both A and R are true but R is not the correct

        C. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements           explanation of A.
                                                                 (c)  A is true but R is false.
           1.  Every fraction is not a rational number.
               36                                                (d)  A is false but R is true.
           2.      can be expressed as a rational number with     Q. 1. Assertion (A):  Rational  numbers can  be
               denominator 2.                                                         expressed as fractions.
                                                                     Reason (R):  The number that can be written in
           3.  Every integer is a rational number.                            p
                                                                     forms of   where p and q both are integers and
           4.  1 is the smallest rational number.                             q
                                                                     q ≠ 0 is called rational number.
                                     − 8   8
           5.  The absolute value of    is   .                                      5   3    15   5
                                     13   13                      Q. 2. Assertion (A):   ×   =    =
           6.  The reciprocal of – 1 is 1.                                        p  6  r  7  p + r  14  p r
                                                                      Reason (R):   ×   =       , where  ,   are
           7.  The product of a positive rational number and a                    q   s    q + s        q s
               negative rational number is positive.                             rational numbers

           8.  The product of two rational numbers is a rational   SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS

                                                               F.  Solve the following word problems
           9.  Zero is the only rational number which is its own                                         3  − 3

               negative.                                           1. Are the three  rational  numbers  − ,  7   and
                  D. Case Study Based Questions                        −  7   equivalent?
         Nehal who  is working in a IT company earns               2.  Find the value of x, such that   − 5  and  x   are
         ` 250000 per month. Out of his earning he spend                                            12      − 24
         one-tenth on grocery, one-forth on shopping.                 equivalent rational numbers.
         One-fifth of remaining  on education  of his kids                                               1
         and rest of his money he puts in his savings.             3.  The sum of two rational numbers is  . If one of
         Answer  the  following  questions  on  the  basis  of        the numbers is   − 8 , find the other number.
         the above data.                                                             19

          1.  How much  money  was left  with  him  after          4.  The product of two rational numbers is   − 32 .  If
              spending on grocery and shopping?                                             − 8              18

          2.  Calculate  the  amount spend by Nehal  on               one of the numbers is   6  ,  find the other.
              education of children.
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