Page 54 - Maths Skills - 7
P. 54
52 Maths
COMPETENCY BASED QUESTIONS C. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements
A. Multiple-Choice Questions 1. In an equation the two expressions on either side
1. 12 less than 10 times x is written as: of equal sign have same value.
(i) 12 – 10x (ii) 10x – 12 2. In 5x – 3 = 27, if we add 30 to both sides, equation
(iii) 12 < 10 + x (iv) 10x +12 remains same.
2. A boy had 2x rupees. He spent 85 paise. How 3. The highest power of a variable in a linear
many rupees were left with him? equation is 3.
(i) ` (2x – 85) (ii) ` (200x – 85) 4. The value of a variable which satisfies an
equation is called its value.
85 2x − 85
(iii) ` 2x − (iv) `
100 100 5. 3x + 5 is a linear equation.
3. Correct solution of 7 + p = 15:
D. Case Study Based Questions
(i) p = 6 (ii) p = 8 Multiple games can be played online. In these types
(iii) p = – 8 (iv) p = 9 of games, players can compete with players from
4. The sum of m, 2m and 5m is – 32. The value any part of the world. According to the rules of these
of m is: games, 200 points are awarded for every win and 20
points are deducted for every loss.
(i) 4 (ii) 6 Answer the following questions on the basis of the
(iii) – 4 (iv) 0 above data.
5. n divided by 4 equals 6. So, n = _________. 1. Ram participated in these games. He won two
more matches than the number of matches he
(i) 14 (ii) 24 lost. He scored 1120 points. How many matches
(iii) 10 (iv) 2 did he play?
2. Reshu played 16 matches in these games. The
B. Fill in the Blanks
number of matches won was equal to the number
1. If 10x + 8 = 38, then x = _____________. of matches lost by her. How many points did she
2. An equation can have _____________ than one
variables. E. Assertion-Reason Based Questions
3. In an equation there always exists an Directions for Questions 1 to 3: In each of the
_____________ sign. questions given below, there are two statements
marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your
4. An _____________ remains the same, even answer as per the codes provided below:
if the expressions on its LHS and RHS are (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
interchanged. explanation of A.
5. _____________ a number means; changing the (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct
side of the number in the equation. explanation of A.