Page 42 - Maths Skills - 7
P. 42

40                                                                                                  Maths

           3.  A soccer team  is to be selected  from a group of probables numbering more than 16 but less than
               30 attending the training-cum-fitness camp. Amongst these probables   are below the age of 16 years.
               1   are in the age group 16 to 18 years and the remaining are above 18 years.
                (i)  How many probables attended the camp?     (ii)   What fraction of probables are above 18 years.

             Word Stock
          Fraction          Operation         Comparison       Conversion        Reciprocal        Order
          Improper          Ascending         Descending


        Objective: To multiply the given decimal numbers using number grid.
        Pre-Requisite Knowledge:  1.  Concept of decimals                2.  Concept of multiplication
        Materials Required: Two grids of 10 × 10 on transparent sheet, sketch pens / markers and a ruler.

        Procedure:  1.  Choose the two decimal numbers to be multiplied. Let these be 0.5 and 0.7.
                     2.  Take a grid of 10 × 10 and represent 0.5 on it as shown in Fig. 1. Colour 5 strips out of
                         10 strips with one colour (horizontally).

                                    Fig. 1                            Fig. 2                         Fig. 3
                     3.  Take another grid of 10 × 10 and represent 0.7 by colouring 7 strips with another colour vertically
                         as shown in Fig. 2.
                     4.  To show the product, overlap the two grids and observe as shown in Fig. 3. The double shaded
                         area represents the product.
                     5.  Repeat the activity by taking different sets of numbers and record your observations.

        Observations :
                          S. No.      First Number           Second Number                Product

   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47