Page 56 - Maths Skill - 6
P. 56

4 4                                                                Number Player Play

                                                 Learning Outcomes
        In this chapter, you will learn about :
        � Classification of Things by Using Numbers  � Playing With Digits      � Kaprekar Constant
        � Super Cells                       � Digit Sum of Numbers              � The Collatz Conjecture
        � Patterns of Numbers in the Number Line   � Palindromic Numbers        � Estimation

                  Boot-Up (To Recapitulate Previous Knowledge of Concepts)

                                         COMPETENCY BASED QUESTIONS

          A.  Multiple-Choice Questions
             1.  The left most digit of a 7-digit number is at ________ place.

                 (i)  lakhs             (ii)  crores               (iii)  ten lakhs         (iv)  none of these
             2.  10 Millions = ________ crores

                 (i)  1                 (ii)  10                   (iii)  100               (iv)  none of these
             3.  How many 4-digit numbers are there?

                 (i)  8999              (ii)  9000                  (ii)  8000              (iv)  none of these
             4.  The greatest 5-digit number using the digits 5, 2, 6, 0, 3 (without repeating)

                 (i)  65320             (ii)  60253                (iii)  63052             (iv)  none of these
             5.  The number larger than 40 + (39 + 1) is.

                 (i)  49                (ii)  80                   (iii)  83                (iv)  none of these
          B.  Fill in the Blanks

             1.  The product of the place value of 3 and 1 in 45310 is ________________ .
             2.  The predecessor of the smallest 4-digit number is the ________________ .

             3.  The smallest natural number is ________________ .
             4.  Natural number ________________ has no predecessor.

          C.  Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false Statements
             1.  The decimal number 8.9 rounded off to nearest one is 9.

             2.  The number 5541 rounded off to the nearest hundred is 5500.

             3.  The number 8714 rounded off to the nearest tens is 8710.
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