Page 154 - Maths Skill - 6
P. 154

152                                                                                                  Maths

        Solution:      (i)   The given bar graph gives the information about the production of coal in million tonnes in
                           two consecutive years, namely 2018–19 and 2019–20 in various states.
                       (ii)  M.P. and Bihar have equal production in 2018–19.

                      (iii)  U.P. has the same production in both the years.
                      (iv)  U.P. has minimum production.

                                                   Exercise 10.3

          1.  The population of Delhi in different census years is as given next.

             Census Year                   1971           1981            1991           2001            2011
             Population in Lakhs            30             55              70             110            150
            Represent the above information with the help of a bar graph.

          2.  The number of students admitted in a year in a school in different classes is given below. Represent the
            data by a bar graph.

             Class                    VI         VII        VIII         IX          X          XI         XII
             No. of Students          82          36         40          18         10          55          9

          3.  The following colours were worn by the boys of a particular group. Represent the data on a bar graph.
             Colour                   Red         Orange        Yellow        Green         Blue          Pink
             No. of Boys               15            9             6            8            18            4

          4.  Given below are the number of vehicles passing through a busy crossing in different time intervals on a
            particular day. Represent the data on a bar graph.
                                        8 to   9 to    10 to   11 to  12 to  13 to  14 to  15 to      16 to   17 to
                  Time Interval
                                        9 hrs 10 hrs 11 hrs 12 hrs 13 hrs 14 hrs 15 hrs 16 hrs 17 hrs 18 hrs
               Number of Vehicles       300    400     350     250     200     150     100    200      300     450

          5.  The graph given next indicates the number of medals won in an athletic meet by students of different
            districts of a particular state.
            Read the graph and answer the following

             (i)   How  many  more  medals  were  won  by
                District II than District IV?
            (ii)   Which district received the least number of
            (iii)   Did  any  two  districts  receive  the  same
                number of medals?
            (iv)   How many medals were won in total by all
                the schools in the state?
             (v)   The total number of medals won by District
                II  and  III  was  won  by  two  other  districts
                also. Which are these districts?                        Number of medals won in an athletic meet
   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159