Page 59 - Math Skill - 5
P. 59

Fractions                                                                                               57

        We find that the fractional numbers are different but the amount is the same. Each one of them
        ate half pizza.

        Two or more fractions that represent the same amount are called equivalent fractions.
        Here,   1  ,   2   and   4   are equivalent fractions, i.e.,   1   =   2   =   4
                2   4        8                                   2    4     8
            ™   To get the equivalents of a given fraction, we multiply the numerator and denominator
               of the fraction by a common number other than 0 and 1.

               For example:     1   ×   2   =   2                              Fact-o-meter
                                5    2     10

            ™   To  get the equivalents of a given fraction, we              �  A  fraction  multiplied  by  0
               divide the numerator and the denominator of the                   equals 0.
               fraction by a common number other than 0 and 1.               �  We can write infinite number
                                                                                 of equivalent fractions for a
               For example:      2 ÷ 2   =   1                                   given fraction.
                                10 ÷ 2     5

               Let’s Attempt

        Example 1:  Find four equivalent fractions of         5  .

        Solution:        To obtain four equivalent fractions of          3  , we multiply  its numerator  and
                       denominator by 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
                              32×      6                                  33×     9
                          (i)       =                                (ii)      =
                              52×     10                                  53      15
                              34×     12                                  35×     15
                         (iii)      =                               (iv)       =
                              54×     20                                  55      25
                         6  ,  9 12  and   15   are equivalent fractions of  .
                        10 15 20          25                                 5
        Checking Equivalence of Two Fractions

        Two fractions are said to be equivalent if the product of the numerator of first fraction and the
        denominator of second fraction is equal to the product of numerator of second fraction and
        denominator of first fraction.
        In other words, two fractions are equivalent if:

                            Numerator (of first fraction) × Denominator (of second fraction) =
                            Numerator (of second fraction) × Denominator (of first fraction)

        Finding Equivalent Fractions with given Numerator or Denominator

        To get an equivalent fraction of higher numerator (or denominator):

            ™   Find the common  factor by dividing higher denominator  (or numerator) by lower
               denominator (or numerator).

            ™   Multiply the lower numerator and denominator by the common factor.
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