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                                                           Medicinal Plants
                                                           Medicinal Plants

          Plants are nature’s gift. Plants not only provide us fruits and vegetables, but also
          contain medicinal benefits.

          Let’s read about some of these medicinal plants.

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             Ashwagandha                                            Aloe vera is
            is a medicinal                                        believed to help
            herb, used for                                        people stay
            the treatment                                         young. It has a
            of intestinal                                         positive effect
            infections,                                           on the skin. The juice of this plant
            nervous disorders, and leprosy.                       is used for making cosmetics and
                                                                  medicines for treating burns.

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             Amla is a rich                                         Sandalwood is
           source of vitamin                                      believed to have
           C. It is used to                                       many medicinal
           treat jaundice and                                     properties. It is

           diarrhoea.                                             commonly used
           It also helps to get rid of coughs and                 to cure various skin disorders.

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           Haldi is a                                            Coconuts are

           medicinal herb                                        especially high
           with special                                          in manganese,
           antibiotic and                                        which is essential
           antiseptic                                            for bone health

           properties.                                           and the metabolism of carbohydrates,
           It can increase the antioxidant                       proteins, and cholesterol. They’re also
                                                                 rich in copper and iron, which help
           capacity of the body.
                                                                 form red blood cells.

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