Page 131 - Computer - 5
P. 131
An algorithm is a systematic and logical stepwise procedure for solving a
An algorithm is written in a simple, easy to understand language.
A flowchart is a pictorial or diagrammatic representation of an algorithm
that uses geometric symbols to represent various operations.
Flowcharts are drawn according to certain rules.
A decision box divides a flowchart into two directions based on the result of
the question.
A Loop is a set of instructions which repeats itself continuously until a
particular condition is satisfied.
A. Tick [3] the correct option.
1. The symbol in a flowchart is called the ______.
On-page connector Output box
Off-page connector Process box
2. A set of instructions that directs a computer to perform a specific task is called
Program Algorithm
Flowchart Directions
3. The symbol for representing a process in a flowchart is ______.
4. The symbol for a decision box in a flowchart is ______.