Page 136 - Computer - 5
P. 136


            1.  A software that protects computer    6.  The default  web browser  in

                  against harmful virus attacks is                        Windows 10 is
                                                                                Google Chrome

                                                                                Microsoft Edge

                                                                                Internet Explorer

            2.  PowerPoint always creates a new                                 Microsoft Bing

                  presentation when you                            7.  Which of the following symbol

                         create a photo album                             is used for  decision  making in  a
                         insert a picture in a slide

                         insert a screenshot in a slide

                         insert a SmartArt  graphic  in  a

                         slide                                     8.  Which of the following is not an
                                                                          application of Artificial Intelligence?
            3.  The  number  of  rows  in  an  Excel
                  2019 worksheet is                                             Driverless car

                         1084576               32768                            Smart mind

                         16384                 1048576                          Chatbot
            4.  The shortcut key to create a new

                  desktop in Windows 10 is                         9.  Which  feature of  Windows 10

                         Ctrl + Alt + D                                   helps as a productivity assistant?
                                                                                Action Centre
                             + Alt + D
                             + Ctrl + D
                         Ctrl + N
            5.  A feature in Word 2019 that allows                 10.  Which is the odd one out?

                  you to create stylised text is

                         WordArt               StyleArt

                         SmartArt              PictureArt

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