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and languages like humans do.
u Planning and Navigation: Teach machines to move and navigate autonomously.
u Natural Language Processing: Enable machines to understand and process language and conversations.
u Sensory Perception: Train machines to perceive like humans, using touch, sight, hearing, and taste.
u General Intelligence: Include emotional intelligence, intuition, and creativity in machines.
Let us take a deep look at the history of AI by the following table:
Foundations Isaac Asimov Alan Turing First AI program
for Neural coins the term introduces the demonstrated at
Networks laid. ‘Robotics’. Turing test for Carnegie Mellon.
1943 1945 intelligence. 1956
John McCarthy Danny Bobrow ‘ELIZA’ chatbot is First computer-
invents the LISP shows computers built mimicking controlled auto-
programming understand human nomous vehicle,
language for AI. natural language. conversation. Stanford Cart.
1958 1964 1965 1979
IBM Deep Blue AI enters homes Siri integrated Google launches
defeats world with the Roomba into iPhone 4s “Google Now”
chess champion vacuum cleaner. as an intelligent for predictive
Kasparov. 2002 assistant. information.
1997 2011 2012
AlphaGo beats Various virtual ChatGPT, an open
Go player Lee assistants enter AI program,
Sedol 4-1. homes. announced by
2016 2018 Microsoft.
The field of artificial intelligence is highly scientific, thus specific skills are needed to pursue a career in the field
of AI. Here, we are going to learn about the different jobs in AI along with the skill set required for them.