Page 255 - Ai Book - 10
P. 255


        In general,the term ‘image’ can be created or stored in electronic form which can be described in terms of
        graycale or RGB image.
        Grayscale Image

        Grayscale image is the one in which the colour of each pixel has a range of
        shades of gray without apparent colour. The darkest possible shade is black,
        which is the total absence of colour or zero value of pixel.  In grayscale images,
        the shades range starts with 0 and ends with 255, i.e., it starts with pure black
        and ends with pure white.
        A grayscale has each pixel of size 1 byte having a single plane of 2d array of

                                RGB Image
                                The RGB stands for 3 primary colorus, i.e., ‘red’, ‘green’, ‘blue’. All the coloured images
                                around us are made up of these three colours with varying intensity. Every coloured
                                image when split  is stored in  the form of three different channels,  i.e., R Channel,
                                G Channel, and  B Channel.  Each channel  has a pixel value varying from 0-255. For
                                example, RGB value of Aqua colour is (0,100, 100).

               Pop Quiz                                     Quiz
           Name the following.

            a.  A computer vision related task that involves identifying objects in digital
               photographs.                                                                _____________________

            b.  A computer vision related task that requires prediction of object instances and their pre-pixel
               segmentation marks.                                                         _____________________

               Ice Break
               Ice Breaker Activityer Activity
                                                                                                  RGB channel
          Vist the online link On the basis of this
          online tool, try and answer all the below mentioned questions.
            1.  What is the output colour when you put R=G=B=255 ?

            2.  What is the output colour when you put R=G=B=0
            3.  How does the colour vary when you put either of the three as 0 and then keep on varying the other

            4.  How does the output colour change when all the three colours are varied in same proportion?
             5.  What is the RGB value of your favourite colour from the colour palette?

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