Page 219 - Ai Book - 10
P. 219
• How would a stakeholder get a benefit from the solution?
• Why will stakeholders prefer this solution?
Why? – Why do you think it is a problem worth-solving?
• How would a stakeholder get a benefit • If the cooks have a proper estimate of the quantity of the foods
from the solution? according to the needs of the students.
• Why will stakeholders prefer this • The quantity of leftover food is reduced. Thus, losses due to
solution? leftover food reduced considerably.
After understanding a brief description about 4 W’s , we are able to summarise all the key points of 4 W’s in the
problem statement template.
The Mess owners and the College [Brief description of Stakeholders] have a problem of losses [issue, problem,
need] due to leftover food [context, situation]. An ideal solution would be proper estimation[benefit of solution
for them] so that quantity of leftover food is reduced.
Now the goal of the stakeholder is, “To be able to predict the quantity of estimation of food which can be served
daily in the Mess so that quantity of leftover food is reduced considerably.”
Data Acquisition
You have learnt that data is the core of any artificial intelligent system. In the above example, data acquisition
plays an important role. After finalising the goal of the project, let us now move towards looking at various data
features which affect the problem in some way or the other. We can describe the various factors that would
affect the quantity of food to be prepared in a mess. These factors are as follows:
u Proper data about the number of Students
u Proper estimation of quantity of food items prepared per day
u Estimation of consumption of food items
u Estimation of leftover food items
u Cost estimation of food items
After looking at the factors affecting our problem statement, now it’s time to take a look at the data which is
to be acquired for the goal. For this problem, a dataset covering all the elements mentioned above is made for
each food item prepared by the mess over a period of one month. One of the major challenges faced by the
stakeholders in the data acquisition stage is to understand where the data comes from and whether it is the
latest data or not. Therefore, the data acquired should be authentic, reliable and correct. You should remember
that the acquisition methods shall also be authentic so that the project does not create any sort of conflicts with
Data Exploration
As you know, data exploration is a necessary step before training or modelling a system. As defined above, the
goal of the project is to be able to predict the quantity of estimation of food which can be served daily in the
Mess so that quantity of leftover food is reduced considerably. Thus, necessary data to achieve the goal of a
project are as follows:
u Name of food items
u Estimated data about the quantity of food items prepared per day.
u Quantity of leftover food among the prepared food items per day.
After extracting important data, there is a need to prepare a dataset in such a way that there exist no errors or
missing elements in it.