Page 218 - Ai Book - 10
P. 218
Let us understand the AI project cycle framework using Data Sciences with the help of an example.
Scenario: Suppose you are a college student and live inside the hostel within the college campus. There is Mess
where all the students go for their breakfast, lunch and dinner. The cook prepares food in bulk according to the
number of students but mostly a lot of food is left which becomes unusable for the Mess because they do not
wish to serve stale food to their students. Now, let us fill the 4 W’s canvas on the basis of the instance.
u Who : This block helps us in identifying stakeholders or team that will work on. At this stage, we are looking
at the person who is ultimately benefiting from the project completion. The various types of questions
under this block are:
• Who are Stakeholders?
• Find detailed information about stakeholders etc.
Who Canvas - Who is having the Problem?
Who are the Stakeholders? • College offering food facilities inside the campus.
• Cooks
Find detailed information about • The cooks prepare food in bulk every day to meet the students’
Stakeholders. needs.
u What: This block helps us in determining the nature of the problem. What is the problem and how do you
know that it is a problem? At this stage, a requirement to gather evidence to prove that the problem you have
selected actually exists is mandatory. You can gather evidence through various mediums like Newspaper
articles, Media, announcements, Internet etc. The various types of questions under this block are:
• What is the problem?
• List at least one piece of evidence which shows that it is a problem.
What Canvas - What is the nature of their problem?
• What is the problem? • Leftover food
• Bear losses due to the leftover food.
• List at least one piece of evidence which • Various researches have shown that leftover food is the
shows that it is a problem major problem for a Mess owner.
u Where: Under this block, you can focus on the situation or the context of the problem. This block will
help you look into the situation in which the problem arises, the context of it, and the locations where it is
notable. The various types of questions under this block are:
• At which point or location you think it is a problem,
• What is the situation in which stakeholders experience the problem?
Where Canvas – Where does the problem arise?
• At which point or location you think it is a problem? • At Mess
• What is the situation in which stakeholders experience • At the end of the day, unconsumed or leftover
the problem? food is a wastage.
u Why: Under this block, you can think about the benefits which the stakeholders would get from the project
completion and how it would benefit them as well as the society. The various types of questions under this
block are as follows: