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1 1           Artificial Intelligence
                                                     Artificial Intelligence

           u   Intelligence                                     u   Different Definitions of AI
           u   Artificial Intelligence                          u   Machine Learning
           u   Decision-making Process                          u   Deep Learning
           u   Applications of Artificial Intelligence          u   Domains of AI
           u   What is Not AI?                                  u   AI Ethics

        The new technology named ‘Artificial Intelligence’ has enough potential to help humans live more meaningful
        lives free of hard labour, and help in making the machines smart with decision-making power. Now, let’s learn
        the foundational concepts of AI in this chapter.


        Intelligence is a term frequently encountered in our daily lives, referring to intellectual functioning.  Intelligence
        is the ability to learn, solve problems, and adapt. It includes cognitive, emotional, and practical skills.  The
        fascinating aspect of intelligence lies in how humans harness it to create machines that make our lives more
        Types of Intelligence

        Based on the skills, the intelligence can further be categorized into various types:

         u   Linguistic Intelligence: It is  one’s ability  to  use, comprehend, speak and  write the verbal and  written
             language. It is important in interpersonal communication.

         u   Spatial Visual Intelligence: It is one’s ability to perceive the visual world and draw the relationship of one
             object to another.

         u   Kinesthetic Intelligence: It is defined as one’s ability to                Linguistic
             learn through movement and experimentation.                               Intelligence
         u   Interpersonal Intelligence: It is defined as the one’s      Logical-                   Spatial Visual
             ability to communicate with others by understanding       Mathematical                  Intelligence
             other people’s feelings and influence of the person.      Intelligence
         u   Intrapersonal Intelligence: It is defined as the one’s
             ability to understand and work with oneself. In simple                  INTELLIGENCE
             terms, this type of intelligence describes how high the                                    Kinesthetic
             level of self-awareness someone has is.                   Intrapersonal                    Intelligence
         u   Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: It is  the ability
             to  quantify things,  analyse problems  logically, make
             hypotheses and  solve them. For example, Pascal,                          Interpersonal
             Newton was born logical mathematical people.

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