Page 95 - Biology - XII
P. 95
Sample - A: Observations
Study of presence of elements in ash fi ltrate
S. Experiment Observation Inference
1. For Sulphur test:
In a clean and dry test tube, take 5 ml of fi ltrate A white crystalline ppt. of Sulphur is
+ 2 drops of 5% BaCl solution BaSO is formed present.
2. For Calcium test:
(a) In a clean and dry test tube, take 10 ml of fi ltrate
+ dil. NH OH. Filter it.
(b) To the fi lter, add few drops of saturated ammonium White ppt. of calcium Calcium is
oxalate solution. (Keep the solution.) oxalate is formed present.
3. For Magnesium test:
(a) In a clean and dry test tube, take the calcium test Precipitate of ammonium Magnesium
solution (5 ml) + excess of ammonium oxalate magnesium phosphate is is present.
(b) Filter and evaporate the solution to· 1–2 ml + 1 ml
saturated disodium hydrogen phosphate. Cool it
and allow it to stand.
Rubbing on the sides of the test tube (with a glass
rod) speeds up the precipitate formation.
4. For Sodium test:
In a sodium free wire, take a loopful concentrated Yellow coloured fl ame Sodium is
ash solution and burn in a clear fl ame present.
5. For Iron test:
(a) Take 5 ml of ash solution in a clean and dry test Red blood colouration Iron is present.
tube + add 3–4 drops of 10% solution of potassium due to iron thiocyanate
or ammonium thiocynate (sulphocynide) formation
(b) Take 5 ml of ash solution in a clean and dry test Prussian blue colour (dark Iron is present.
tube + add 2–4 drops of 2% solution of potassium blue) due to ferricyanide
ferrocyanide formation
Sample - B: Observations
S. No. Experiment Observation Inference
1 For Chloride test:
In a clean and dry test tube, take 2 ml of ash fi ltrate White heavy precipitate Chloride is
+ add 2–5 drops of AgNO solution of silver chloride present.
2. For Phosphorus test:
(a) In a clean and dry test tube, take 5 ml of a liquor of Yellow precipitate of Phosphorus
fi ltrate + add little ammonium molybdate solution ammonium phosphorus is present.
molybdate is formed.