Page 28 - Biology - XII
P. 28

Cannabis - fl owers                     Pines - fl owers                      Coconut - fl owers
                                                Fig. 6.1: Anemophilous fl owers
          Flowers adapted to pollination by insects are called entomophilous fl owers or insect-loving fl owers
          (entomon-an insect).

          Identifi cation
          Adaptations in entomophilous fl owers to attract insects are—
           1.  Colour—The petals of the fl ower are bright in colour. If the petals are inconspicuous (small), other
              parts (of plant) becomes brightly coloured.
           2.  Nectar—The fl ower secretes nectar in its nectary (a special gland) or spur (a special structure).

           3.  Scent—Most nocturnal fl owers are entomophilous and emit sweet scent at night when the colour is
              not visible.
           4.  Special adaptation—When the fl owers are small and inconspicuous, they are collected together into
              a dense infl orescence to become attractive and showy, e.g. sunfl ower, marigold.
          Other entomophilous fl owers are—

          Bougainvillea, Poinsettia, Jasmine, Yucca, Ficus, Salvia, Cosmos, Banana, Snapdragon, etc.

              Bougainvillea - fl owers                 Jasmine - fl ower                        Salvia - fl owers

                Cosmos - fl owers                       Banana - fl owers                    Snapdragon - fl owers
                                                Fig. 6.2: Entomophilous fl owers

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