Page 22 - Grammar Glow - 2
P. 22
Learn the given singular and plural words.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
ant ants jar jars
boy boys lamp lamps
car cars kite kites
day days mouth mouths
egg eggs owl owls
fan fans top tops
girl girls year years
hat hats zebra zebras
Rule 3: We add es to nouns that end in ch, sh, o, s, ss and x.
bench benches bush bushes
mango mangoes gas gases
class classes box boxes
Rule 4: Some nouns do not follow any rules to form plurals.
child children mouse mice
foot feet ox oxen
goose geese tooth teeth
man men woman women
Rule 5: Some nouns remain the same in both singular and plural forms.
fish fish sheep sheep
deer deer tuna tuna
salmon salmon trout trout