Page 144 - Math Skill - 1
P. 144

                 14                                                                Data Handlinga Handling


            Raju went to the Market. There, he wanted to buy the things from a multi-
            things store.

            Help him to count and write how many things are kept in each block.

                 Things              Book            Apples            Pears          T-shirts           Jars

            Now, fill up from the table above.

            ›    How many books are there in a block?                    ___________________

            ›    How many apples are there in a block?                   ___________________

            ›    How many pears are there in a block?                    ___________________

            ›    How many T-shirts are there for display?  ___________________
   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149