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               Unit-I : Things Around Us                            Unit-VII : Art & Entertainment
                1.  Objects in Our Environment   ......... 5          26. Story Time  ...................... 32
                2. Seasons Report  ................... 6             27. Inspirational Movies  ............... 33
                3. The Platform   ..................... 7            28. Cartoon World  ................... 34

                                                                     29. Our Entertainers   ................. 35
               Unit-II : World of Nature

                4. Water Birds  ...................... 8            Game Zone .......................36-37
                5. Animal Superlatives     .............. 9
                6. Food Factories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10  Unit-VIII : Sports
                7. Culinary Nuts  .................... 11           30.  Sports Actions  ................... 38
                8. Homes of Animals  ................ 12            31.  Olympic Games        .............. 39
                                                                    32.  Sports Balls  ..................... 40

               Unit-III : Explore India                             Mixed Bag

                9. National Leaders  ................. 13           33.  Be Safe  ........................ 41
               10. Special Days              ............. 14
               11. States and Their Festivals .......... 15         34.  Behaving Well  ................... 42
               12. Heritage Sites .................... 16           35.  Cat Face   ....................... 43

                                                                    36.  Fun Riddles  ..................... 44
               Unit-IV : World Around Us                            Reasoning
              1 3. Wonderful World  ................. 17              1. Puzzles   ........................ 45
              14.  World Delicacies  ................. 18             2. Fun with Numbers  ................ 46
              15.  Futuristic Buildings     .............. 19         3. Joining Together   ................. 47
              16.  Famous Personalities   ............. 20            4. Spot the Difference ................ 48
              17.  Eco-Friendly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
                                                                      5. Riddle Time ...................... 49
                                                                      6. Series Completion  ................ 50
               Unit-V : Science & Technology                          7. Ranking and Ordering  ............. 51

              18.  Great Inventions   ................. 22            8. Telling Time ...................... 52
              19.  Computer Lab  ................... 23               9. Odd One Out  .................... 53
              20.  Body Parts  ...................... 24             10. Geometrical Shapes ............... 54
              21.  Up in The Sky  ................... 25             11. Number Patterns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
                                                                     12. Measuring Units .................. 56
               Preventing Flu .....................26-27             13. Calculating Length ................ 57
                                                                     14. Identifying Colours ................ 58

               Unit-VI : Language & Literature                       15. Grouping of Objects ............... 59
                                                                     16. Which One is Different? ............ 60
               22.  Opposites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
               23.  Expressions  ..................... 29           Test Paper - 1   ...................... 61
               24.  Sound Game  .................... 30             Test Paper - 2   ...................... 62
               25.  Collection of...  ................... 31        Answers  .........................63-64
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11