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UNIT-I : Things Around Us 35. Autobiography .......................42
1. Tagline ..............................5 36. Expensive Books .....................43
2. Public Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 37. Travelogues .........................44
3. Self-Care ............................7 38. Antonyms ...........................45
4. Occupation Avenues ...................8 39. Motivational Poets ....................46
Unit-II : World of Nature Unit-VII : Art & Entertainment
5. Environmentalists .....................9 40. Unique Art ..........................47
6. Sea Creatures .......................10 41. Ornaments .........................48
7. Endangered Trees ...................11 42. Folk Theatres .......................49
8. Desert Plants .......................12 43. Unique Instruments ...................50
9. Food Crops .........................13 44. Regional Handicrafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
10. Nature’s Gift ........................14 45. Theatre Festivals ....................52
11. Hunters in the Sky ...................15
46. Film Genres ........................53
Unit-III : Explore India 47. Indian Cinema .......................54
12. Indian Mythology .....................16 Unit-VIII : Sports
13. Folk Dances ........................17
14. Indian Armed Forces ............... 18-19 48. Sports Venue .......................55
15. Finding the Founders .................20 49. Indians at Commonwealth Games 2022 ..56
16. Newspapers ........................21 50. Asian Games .......................57
17. Struggle for Freedom .................22 51. Scariest Sports ......................58
18. Famous Personalities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Mixed Bag
19. Indian Forts .........................24
20. Digital India .........................25 52. Benefits of Laughter ...................59
53. Memory Boosters .....................60
Unit-IV : World Around Us
21. Shopping Streets ....................26 Reasoning
22. Traditional Dishes ....................27 1. Phrase Out ..........................61
23. Disneyland .........................28 2. Word Puzzle .........................62
24. Powerful Intelligence Agencies ..........29 3. Paper Folding and Cutting ..............63
25. Famous Duos .......................30 4. Maths Magic .........................64
26. Active Volcanoes ....................31 5. Coded Message ......................65
27. Inspirational People ..................32 6. Patterns ............................66
7. Analogy and Classification ..............67
UNIT-V : Science & Technology 8. Cubes and Dice ......................68
28. Inventions ..........................33 9. Venn Diagram .......................69
29. Everyday Science ....................34 10. Embedded Figures ....................70
30. Human Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 11. Positions and Directions ...............71
31. Space Stations ......................36 12. Coding and Decoding .................72
32. Internet Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 13. Mirror and Water Images ...............73
14. Series Completion ....................74
Cardiovascular Diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38-39 15. Grouping of Figures ...................75
16. Dot Situation Test ....................76
UNIT-VI : Language & Literature
Test Paper - 1 ..........................77
33. Ancient Literature ....................40 Test Paper - 2 ..........................78
34. Inspiring Words ......................41 Answers ............................ 79-80