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3. Convolutional Neural Network

          A  Convolutional  neural  network,  also  called  ConvNet  or  CNN,
          have several layers in which data is sorted into categories. These
          networks  have  an  input  layer,  an  output  layer,  and  a  hidden
          multitude  of  convolutional  layers  in  between.  The  layers  create
          feature maps that record areas of an image that are broken down
          further until they generate valuable outputs. These layers can be
          pooled or entirely connected, and these networks are especially
          beneficial for image recognition applications.

          4. Deconvolutional Neural Network

          A Deconvolutional neural network works in reverse of a convolutional neural network. The application
          of the network is to detect items that might have been recognised as important under a convolutional
          neural network. These items would likely have been discarded during the convolutional neural network
          execution process. This type of neural network is also widely used for image analysis or processing.

          5. Modular Neural Network
          A  Modular  neural  network  contains  several networks that
          work  independently  from  one  another.  These  networks
          do not interact with each other during an analysis process.
          Instead, these processes are done to allow complex, elaborate
          computing  processes  to  be  done  more  efficiently.  Similar

          to  other  modular  industries,  such  as  modular  real  estate,
          the goal of network independence is to have each module
          responsible for a particular part of an overall bigger picture.

          Application of Neural Networks

          Neural networks have several uses across several industries, such as the following:

          1. Computer Vision
          Computer vision is the ability of computers to extract information and insights from images and videos.
          With neural networks, computers can distinguish and recognise images similar to humans. Computer
          vision has several applications, such as the following:

             •  Visual recognition is needed in self-driving cars so they can recognise road signs and other road

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